Strategy layer & infrastructure layer - Explain Like I'm 5
Restaking is a technically complex and increasingly fragmented investment primitive (I'm assuming you're a smart 5-year-old).
Firstly, creating advanced restaking strategies comes with an immense technical effort - one that will only grow in the future as restaking opportunities continue to multiply. For most market participants, the ROI of a custom restaking build is simply not there.
Secondly, the average market participant cannot be expected to understand it in its entirety and thus relies on "pool managers" to pre-create an acceptable AVS portfolio that this average participant can ape into.
Let's address these points one at a time.
Meet the infrastructure layer
The infrastructure layer is the entirety of restaking protocol integrations of the Byzantine protocol. Its big value-add: Extremely easy restaking composability. No matter how convoluted or unique the underlying restaking protocol's mechanics are, the infrastructure layer puts it all into a nice, standardised format: The Byzantine strategy vault.
This layer can be permissionlessly accessed. Anyone can build on the Byzantine protocol's smart contracts to integrate diverisifed restaking yield into their protocol easily.
Meet the strategy layer
The strategy layer is, in truth, a social layer. It describes the entirety of publicly available strategy vaults that our dearest degens can participate in and ape into.
In short, it's a layer where everyone can rebuild the experience of LRTs or create a custom risk profile for themselves.
In short, it's a layer where everyone can rebuild the experience of existing restaking pools (like LRTs) or create custom risk profiles. If you're passive, you have a wide variety of different restaking strategies curated by others to choose from. If you're active, you can build your own - either for yourself or for investing with your friends.
Think of it like Wikipedia - a permissionless space where the knowledgeable get to contribute and those seeking knowledge benefit from it.
This layer is what truly sets Byzantine apart, because participation is 100% permissionless - both for stakers and vault creators.
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