Native EL strategy vaults
Native Eigenlayer (NEL) strategy vaults are the most complex, but also most profitable strategy vaults.
They allow fee-free staking and restaking in one place (without having to get LSTs from another protocols and paying transfer fees + protocol fees).
Moreover, they benefit from the extreme capital efficiency of our auction system - which yields top-of-the-market staking APRs.
An NEL strategy vault consists of:
The strategy vault contract, which controls and administers the flow of ETH
An EigenPod
A DVT cluster of node operators who validate ETH transactions
An AVS operator who performs the duties required for the AVSs to be validated
It's called a strategy vault because its purpose is to validate a portfolio of AVSs called a strategy.
The modularity of strategy vaults
As mentioned above, a strategy vault is designed to - once set up - run independently, indefinitely. This modularity and composability is a core purpose of the protocol.
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